ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Human Resource Manual - Pakistan

Human Resource Manual

Human resource manual is a document detailing an organization's policies regarding employee management and the relationship between managers and employees, taking the form of either an employee handbook or an internal document used by management, it aims to describe workplace practices, hiring and termination procedures, and other pertinent information.

Because these guides are essential for communicating an organization's workplace policy and because they are often referenced in legal proceedings, they must be thorough and accurate.

ZA-LLP is in a position to draft a HR Manual for your establishment comprising the following areas, as per your instructions and ambitions.

Contract & Letters

Acceptance Letter

An acceptance letter document is a written acknowledgement given by one party after accepting an offer or an invitation from another party. A formal written acceptance letter is a formal document that can be used as a legal or professional reference. It can be issued upon acceptance of an appointment letter, contract, social invitation, accepting a scholarship, final a business or insurance payment settlement, while conclude negotiations and so on. The acceptance letter implies your positive response to a second party to assure them of your commitments to what they may have proposed or to be offered.

Acknowledgement Letter

Acknowledgement letters allow those associated with you to know that you value their time and opinion. A well written letter of acknowledgement shows polite professionalism and sincere appreciation and can be used in all situations.

Address Proof Letter / Proof of Residency

An address proof letter, as the name itself suggests, is a legal document issued as proof of an individual’s address.

Agreement Termination Letter

An agreement termination letter is a notice given for canceling or ending a contract. It is a formal and legally binding declaration of your intention to end or terminate all relations with another party.

Announcement Letter

An announcement letter is a type of letter used for a number of business and personal situations. An announcement can be made in response to several situations such as promotion, retirement, engagement, wedding etc., In business announcement can be made for launching new products or business practices.

Apology Letter

An apology is a way through which we express regret for the past action or behavior. Apology letter is a written statement of acceptance of fault or mistake and to apologize to someone for the mistakes, wrong doing, mis-understanding and Misbehaviors done in the past.

Application Letter

Application letter is a formal letter written to make any request to a specific person or to an organization, application can be for leave, for job or an application for admission in a school or university, application for extension of a project or a report.

Appraisal Letter

Appraisal letter is used to declare the result of the Performance Appraisal Process conducted by the HR Department. It is issued for appreciating and motivating an employee hard word and performance and achievement during a calendar year. The organization also extends its gratitude to those employees for their outstanding contribution in the growth of the company.

Appreciation Letter

Appreciation letter is the recognition of the excellent work performance of an employee on his role. It is given to encourage the employee and also acknowledge the efforts and good work done by an employee. Letter of appreciation is also issued to say thank you for the contribution and appreciating the efforts put in.

Approval Letter

Approval letter is written to a person or an organization to get the approval to proceed further in any task like an approval for a leave, approval for loan, approval for payment or purchase.

Cancellation Letter

Cancellation letter or Email is for communicating cancelling of a contract, subscription or an event.

Charge Sheet

Charge Sheet means a written statement of certain allegations upon the offender to communicate that what is done is lawbreaking and not acceptable as per the code of conduct. The objectives of Charge sheets are to highlight and address the exact Point of misconduct committed by the employee and demanding to submit an explanation in his / her defense and to present it to the management of the organization.

Human Resources - HR Process

HR Exit

Exit process is most important part of HR Process, where employer may get the true feedback regarding the best part and the loopholes of the HR Process, where they can improve.

Onboarding Process

HR Onboarding process best practices, checklist and templates is the prime part of the HR Process which involves employee recruitment process. This is the gateway of the new employee to the company here they get introduced to the company, its policies, skills and behaviors. This process includes the complete recruitment and joining process. This process includes introduction of employee with other employees and company’s hierarchy.

Employee Engagement Process

Employee engagement process includes the job distribution, training and development programs and appraisal process. The Job distribution process starts after the onboarding process, once the joining formalities are done, the job role and its responsibility are handed over to the employee. The training and development are related to the job role the candidate is performing. Training and development are provided to develop the skills and techniques of the employee, so that he may perform well, which will benefit the organization. This process also develops and motivates the employees. And at last the appraisal process, which is most important as it is the rewarding process to enhance the moral and spirit of employee to perform well.

Performance Management

Performance Management System

Performance management system is the systematic approach to measure the performance of employees. It is a process through which the organization aligns their mission, goals and objectives with available resources (e.g. Manpower, material, systems and set the priorities.

Job Performance Standards

Job performance principle are some specific parameters or standards which are bounded for employees on which basis job performance degree is evaluated, calculated and monitored. The performance standards are observed based on the job role and the duties associated with the post.

Evaluation Procedure

Performance standards and expectations, based on an up-to-date position description, should be clearly communicated to employees at the time of appointment to their position and as they change thereafter. Employees must encourage participating in the process by providing written comments on the evaluation form regarding their substandard evaluation. Employees should also receive adequate training necessary to effectively perform the duties and responsibilities of their position.

Employee Self Evaluation

Employee self-evaluation is very much necessary for the organization, as self- evaluation is the self-realization for the employee about their performance. This also helps employee to set new goals for themselves and for their carrier. This evaluation also helps employer to understand and analyze each employee and their mindset. Employee Self Evaluation process helps employee to explore their own talents and also allows employee to flourish and produce their talents in front of management. This process also helps the management to make them note all your achievements and contribution towards your company. Employee need to write about their achievements, success, challenges, learning process etc.

Training & Development Plan

Training and Development Plan is basically the plan or schedule which management or higher authorities provide to get effective outcome of work. It helps to create effectivity and thus adds to the growth of the company. Training and development improve skills, personality and performance. To choose the right training and development you need to realize what kind of training is required for your employees and how it will benefit the organization. In order to inspire the employees to take part in the training you need to properly explain or demonstrate how it will benefit them or how it may be helpful in their job role. Ones the training and development plan is chalked out it must be shared with the employees.

Performance Appraisal Form

Performance Appraisal Form is the basic and most important requirement to start the appraisal process. This form is the main support to decide appraisal process. The form contains complete details of employee record, his tenure in the organization, his job role, contribution, achievements, performance record, and special comments from reporting person. Proper rating is provided by the employer or senior authority.

Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard is a performance-based metric which companies used for strategic management. It improves the internal functions and external results of the business. Balanced scorecard basically connects dot between the strategic part of the organization and the operational elements. It makes sure that mission, vision and core values of the organization are well reflected in the objective, initiatives and measures taken by the employees. It also checks the strategic performance is on the line to strategic focus areas.

Bell Curve Performance Appraisal Management System

There are various performance appraisal systems which exist and used by different organization. When an organization wants to link the performance of the employee directly with the reward, generally bell curve performance appraisal system is utilized. In this system, the employees are categorized based on the ranking given to their performance. The system uses three categories namely, top performer, average performer and low performer employees based on the performance. The bell curve performance appraisal system provides a systematic way to identify the star performers and to link their performance with appropriate reward.

Performance Appraisal

In every organization there is need to understand the abilities of the employees to perform and grow, performance appraisal acts as a tool to check the development opportunities for the employees. It is a systematic evaluation of the work performed by the employees.

360 Degree Performance Appraisal

The 360-degree performance appraisal system is a way to make sure the appraisal is done in a full-fledged way considering all the elements surrounded to the employee.

Job Analysis

Job analysis is one of the important terms in human resource. It is a way to determine the nature of the job and the duties employee has to perform. It also provides information about what kind of people should be hired for a particular job profile. It is a systematic way to collect information and make judgment about all the things related to a job.

Job Description

The first thing which a candidate asks for after joining the organization is ‘job description’. It is the common document which is frequently referred by the employee and employer. The concept of job description is linked with the job analysis. In fact, job description can be termed as the end result of job analysis.

Training & Development

Training Needs Analysis

Training needs analysis is a systematic process of identifying which kind of training is required and provide the details related to training implementation. It is also known as a tool to identify the new skills, knowledge and attitudes which employees need to acquire in order to improve performance. The Training Needs Analysis (TNA) helps organization to find out the gap in terms of skills and training in their existing employees to perform the current and upcoming Jobs efficiently. The Training Manager uses the Analysis very carefully to design the right Training program to meet the skill and training requirement of the employees to enhance productively and ultimately to achieve the goals and objectives set by the organisation.

What is Training

Well prepared and trained staff can be to some degree powerful without all around arranged vital plans or association culture however without vital learning and aptitudes everything may crumple. The major outcome of training is learning. Training may be stated as “Arranged program intended to enhance execution and realize quantifiable changes in learning, abilities, states of mind and social conduct of workers. Training may be careered out through various approaches like on the job, through classroom session, on site / off site, online, and case studies.

Training Needs Identification

Well trained, knowledgeable employees are valuable resources for any business. When recruiting new employees, part of the recruitment process should be matching the prospective employee’s skills and experience to the job description and person specification. Training and development is not just increased knowledge. It offers the advantage of networking and drawing best from others experiences. Therefore, the businesses should pay utmost importance to how the training activity is carried out, right from the NEED ITENTIFICATION (at functional, organizational and individual levels) along with a proper establish system of evaluation that evaluates the effectiveness of training needs at the immediate level, job level and outcome level.

Training Strategy

Training strategy deals with how planned training is going to impact the organization futuristically. The major purpose of training in an organization is to achieve performance of its employees an all levels. But how the training and development department accomplish this depends upon many factors including management and supervisory style, organization climate, quality of the working environment, nature of the work etc. These factors will differ from one company to another. Thus, the strategies call for will vary from one company to another bearing on the strategies adopted by the training department in consideration with organization goal and vision.

Learning & Technology Adaptation

Several corporate enterprises are using variety of creative and innovative method to impart learning to their employees and other stakeholders like virtual class rooms, video conference, audio conferences and web conferences.

Training & Development Process

Training development is a five-step process in which company train their employees in specific skills and further monitor their performance constantly to help them develop overall personality. The training and development activity start with a question about why the training is required. While end with the evaluation of output of training and development program. Steps that are involved in training and development process include need of training and development, goals and objectives, methods of training, implementation of program and evaluation and constant monitoring.

Employee Training Evaluation Process

The purpose of evaluation is to determine whether or not the training achieved the desired objective. Training evaluation is a continual and systematic process of assessing the value or potential value of a training program, course, activity or event. All organizations, regardless of size or type, should use some process of assessing the effectiveness of training undertaken by employees. Results of the evaluation are used to guide decision-making around various components of the training.

Training Methods

A comprehensive list of different Training and Development Methods are listed below which are being used.


Employee Job Rotations


Employee Lateral Promotions

Career Progression Plannings


Classroom or Online Lectures


Case Studies

Programmed Instructions

Study of Incident & Analysis


Committee Cultural Activities

Buzz Sessions


Game Management & Events

Panel Group Discussions

Internship Invitations

Key Executive Speaking

Key Executive Listening

Key Executive Writing

Taskforce Building

Problem Solving Skills

Seminars & Conferences

Educational Courses

Quantitative Methodology

Committee Memberships

Table: Training Methods


Guide for Recruitment & Selection

The recruitment guide describes the detailed description of the process including expected deliverable from Human Resource Department primarily. The HR Head has to facilitate the process of the job opening as the goals defined by HR are reached. The HR Head has to recommend the right recruitment source to be used, has to prepare the recommended time plan for opening the job vacancy. Additionally, the HR Head has to discuss with the manager about the possibilities of the internal recruitment for the vacancy.

Purpose or Objectives of Recruitment

The purpose of recruitment is to fulfill the current and future requirements of the organisation.

Recruitment Strategies

The recruitment strategy is a document tells about the target position on the job market and the main recruitment sources to be used.

Recruitment Marketing Plan

Recruitment Marketing is the creative approach of marketing to find the most qualified candidates in a way that makes them want to apply for the job positions. The goal of the content is to tell a good story that leaves job seekers with a meaningful and exceptional impression of your company.

Recruitment Management System (RMS)

A recruitment management system is also known as an applicant tracking system is an online software which has various processes that have been designed in a way so that recruitment can be managed from a centralized point. RMS facilitates all processes of recruitment starting from job posting to onboarding of the candidate.


Online e-Recruitment is for e-enrollment utilising innovation and specifically web / Web-based assets for errands required with finding, drawing in, surveying, meeting and contracting new candidates.

Lateral Recruitment

Lateral Recruitment from an organization prospective translates into a talent acquisition usually at the incumbents existing level and span of operations. This recruitment is generally done form the same industry or a competition company. It’s a strategic hire which in turn would be able to quickly contribute towards set goal or an outcome company defines for a specific role within the organization with minimal training.

Recruitment Checklist

The recruitment checklist is the recruitment tool that navigates managers during the process. The checklist describes the process briefly, and it highlights the main recruitment milestones.

Job Posting

Job Posting is the advertising of the job vacancy. The perfect job posting reaches the defined target group of potential job candidates.

Recruitment Consultant

Recruitment consultants work with companies to help them finding the right people for their Job positions. They also work for candidates to find a job also to find the role that is suitable for them.

Recruitment Outsourcing Process (RPO)

Recruitment Outsourcing is a part of human resource processes is the latest practice being followed by middle and large sized organizations where they outsource the recruitment process to some the Recruitment consultant, search and select companies or recruitment Specialist companies.

Factors Affecting the Recruitment Process

The recruitment function of the organisations is direct or indirect ways affected by a mix of various internal and external forces.

Various Recruitment Forms

There are mainly two kinds of recruitments, one internal and the second external. Methods of internal recruitment includes internal advertisements (e-mails, newsletters, forms), word of mouth, promotions, internal employee referrals, retired employees for temporary or contract positions, temporary employees for permanent positions and former employees for part time / freelance work. On the other hand, the external recruitment includes advertising on job portals and newspapers, referrals and the involvement of recruitment agencies.

Current Trends in Recruitment

Technology is changing the way a recruiter hires someone and is making the process more efficient than ever before. E-recruitment is a smart use of technology to accelerate the recruitment process.

Recruiting Challenges

Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process in human resource management starts with identification of job vacancy in the organization, later the HR department analyzes the job requirement, review the job application, screen and shortlist the desirable candidates and the process ends with hiring of right and best candidate for the job.

Human Resource (HR) Manual / Employee Handbook

About Organisation

This document is in order to familiarize employees with the organisation and provide information about Organisation’s History, services provided to the clients and customers, working conditions, key policies, procedures and benefits affecting employment at Organisation.

The Employment

Employment Status & Record Values

Employee Benefit Programmes of Organisations

Employee Benefit Programme is introduced in every company, to satisfy and motivate employees in the organisation. These benefits are provided to employee by employer on various grounds which can be medical, leave, facilities, educational, disability or health.

Wage & Salary Administration

Wage and Salary Administration is referring to decide and actualise the successful strategies and practices of worker remuneration working in an association.

Welfare Policy

Welfare policy is to ensure the benefits, facilities given to the employees to work in a better environment.

Health, Safety & Environment of Company

Health, safety and environment describes the provisions maintained by employer for employee. To get certified, companies and factories are bound to maintain health and safety facilities and also must have a healthy working environment.

Workplace Injury Management

Workplace Injury Management and Worker’s Compensation includes facilities related to workplace safety. Employees either in corporate office or factory or site office is provided proper health security so that they can work in safe environment.

Employee Conduct & Discipline

Employee conduct and discipline is extremely necessary for the organization as that binds the employee in proper rules and regulations. Employee conduct and rule involves certain terms, conditions, rules and regulations which helps to keep the decorum of the organization.

Grievance Redressal Policy

Grievance redressal policy is the procedure provided by employer to employee so that they can vent out the issue or complication they face and to get a proper solution to this.

Resignation / Retirement / Termination in Organisation

Resignation, retirement and termination are different terms of detachment of employees from the organisation in different situations.

Intellectual Property & Security

Intellectual property is referred to the softcopy of data, new inventions, formulas, confidential information, data, and business policies of the company or organization. Leaking this information or using them for self-interest is considered as unethical. Abiding these terms and conditions for employees are considered as a heinous crime and can go up to termination of employees.

Conflict of Interest in Organisation

Conflict of interest come up whenever the personal and professional or business interests of an employee are potentially at odds with interests of Organization. Now-a-days organization looks into the potential interest into the employees and try to involve them into the particular field so that they can give the best output of it.


Privacy is the last part of the HR Manual, which is to be mentioned as a mandatory field as HR manual of each company has its own unique style and their own rules, regulations, commitments, facilities which are extremely confidential. So, reuse of these policies for any other company without permission is not allowed and is considered as unethical.

HR Policy

Late Coming Policy

Employees are expected to adhere to office timings. Usually a grace time of fifteen (15) minutes is permitted after which it will be treated as “Late – Coming”. If an employee leaves office more than two hours before closing time i.e. 5.00 pm., it will be treated as half day and it should not exceed more than three occasions in a month.

Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower definition as it sounds as whistle-blower refers to the person who “blow the whistle” or “Raise the Voice” against anything which is not Right or not legal. It may be against any person, employer, business, system, process and procedure within the organization or outside the organization. It is like Standing up against anything which is harmful or against the betterment” the world is full with whistleblower examples where people stood-up against and brought extra-ordinary changes.

Transfer Policy

Job transfer is the shift of job for employees; the change can be in terms of place of job, department of job or shift of job. The employees are replaced or moved lateral to serve the best for the organization. There are six types of transfer which can be implemented in the organization based on the purpose of the transfer. These six types of transfers include shift transfer, rotation transfer, replacement transfer, remedial transfer, production transfer and penal transfer.

Promotional Policy

Taking an employee to the next level of grade and designation is termed as promotion. A promotion is an upward advancement of an employee which gets him/her to a higher position, better pay and privileges, bigger profile and job responsibilities. In human resource management, it is important to have a robust promotion policy, policy and terms that are communicated explicitly to the employees.

Mobile Policy

In certain companies, company owned mobile phones are given to employee to carry out their job. It is given to employee whose job demands to be contactable or require mobile application to perform their role. In such situations it is highly recommended to draft a policy regarding the usage of mobile phones, loss of device, the return of device upon resignation / termination and the right of the company to take disciplinary actions.

Job Rotation Policy

Job rotation is movement of employees on different job role which enriches their skills, ability to work on different roles and experience. It is a useful HR strategy to create awareness among employees about all types of job performed in their vertical.

Laptop Policy

To meet the requirement of fast and better communication, employees may need to use information and data readily available all the times. Companies may provide Laptops and draft a policy regarding its use, return and replacement.

Reward & Recognition Policy

Employees besides wanting a good salary, friendly environment, growth opportunity also want to be appreciated for the outstanding work performed by them. Reward and recognition play a major role in attracting and retaining talent within the organisation. It not only acts as a morale booster but also promotes 3 P's i.e. Productivity, Positivity, and Promotion. Hence a rewarding policy in a company will increase the effectivity of the work of employees.

Code of Conduct Policy

Generally, the code of conduct is written for employees of a company which protect the business and informs the employee of the company’s expectation in terms of behavior. The purpose of the code of conduct policy is to define guidelines regarding employee behavior with respect to their supervisor, colleagues and organization as a whole. Examples of code of conduct might include fair dealing, disclosure of information and financial matters, confidentiality, harassment, fraud, bribe, internet usage and cyber security.

Leave Policy

Lack of proper leave management can lead to unauthorized absence of employees from duty, lower productivity, fall in productivity hours, missing of important targets and so on. These types of issues can be resolved with a proper Leave Policy Manual for employees in workplace. Leave Policy when implemented in the company it provides a common understanding between the employer and employee that how leave can be taken while in service. The Casual, sick and Annual Leaves can be granted in accordance with relevant law.

Travel Policy

The Purpose of travel policy is to ensure that the travel expenses of the company is controlled by establishing certain standards. Employees must control business travel expense by making the sound judgment with respect to use of company funds. Travel is an important aspect for carrying out the business, it is expected from employees that they will follow the "travel guidelines for employees “while travelling and would provide documentation in support of the same. It is also meant to reimburse the amount spent by an employee when on international or domestic travel.

Employee Referral Policy

The employee referral policy simply means a process of recruitment wherein an existing employee refers a candidate for an opening in the organization. It is one of the most prominent sources of recruitment. Some other categories may be added like, Workplace behavior, Sexual harassment, Dress Code and Health and Safety.

Our Core Competencies


Collaborative Skillset

Collaborative lawyers trust the wisdom of the group; lone wolves and isolationists do not do any good anymore.


Emotional Intelligence

Distant, detached lawyers are relics of the 20th century, the market no longer wants a lawyer who is only half a person.


Technological Affinity

If you can not effectively and efficiently use e-communications, and mobile tech, you might as well just stay home.


Time Management

Virtually a substantial part of lawyers difficulties in this regard lie with their inability to prioritise their time.

What People Say About Us

  • Thank you for your email and the final draft. Indeed it is one of the finest drafts I have come across with. Certainly, your commitment level, eagerness to resolve, intellectual strength, attention to detail and legal expertise are commendable. Under your admirable guidance and direction, I have been able to maneuver with immense success and will reach fruition much earlier than anticipated. Thank you for being so supportive!

    Yaser Shan ~ Toronto, Canada
  • Thank you again so much for this wonderful service. I just wanted you both to know, I spent weeks searching for a service in Pakistan like this, that could legally handle payroll for a Pakistani employee for a US based business and so far I am extremely happy with your organization's service and punctuality. Your service thus far is absolutely amazing and I know Sunita is grateful that we were able to find your organization to ensure her position at our company.

    Prince E. Rich IV | CEO ~ Rich Technology Group LLC, USA
  • We are very happy with the work you have done. Its highly appreciated the professionalism and deep research by the team. Accept our deep gratitude! I do not know how to say Thank you to you and your team! It's a masterpiece you have created and we are very thankful for your help to assist in our social cause.

    Imtiaz Makhani ~ Karachi, Pakistan
  • Thank you very much for your fantastic support, which has been absolutely invaluable throughout the process. We really enjoyed working with you and look forward to plenty more opportunities for shared projects into the future.

    Dr. Albrecht Muser | KPMG ~ München, Germany
  • Working with all of you over the last years has been a pleasure and an honour! Your expertise, focus on customer service and professionalism make it possible for us to provide superior services to our clients and I am so grateful to you.

    Maude Burger-Smith ~ Cape Town, South Africa
  • We are glad to inform you the receipt of current outstanding balance in our bank account from the disputed party. Therefore we request you to arrange to close the dispute case with them as per our management decision. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support and advice to solve this matter. It was pleasure working with you all.

    Rahul Meppad ~ Dubai, UAE
  • Thank you for your support in this process and for your great hospitality. Your assistance has been of great importance. It was also important to see and experience the high quality of your services and your well known firm.

    Magnus Greko ~ Sweden
  • Thank you for your support in this process. Your assistance has been invaluable. We are looking forward to a long lasting working relationship with you. Also, thank you for hospitality during these past days.

    Lothar Geilen ~ Germany
  • Dear Atty. Iram Fatima: I would like to let you know that my wife came in USA last week. The U.S. Embassy Islamabad approved her visa petition in the lights of all the wonderful endeavors done by you and Mr. Birach. It was a long legal battle of about 7 years. I must say that your law firm is one of the best in the country and you are a highly professional advocate. Dr. Zafar should feel proud to have you in his crew. Finally, again I would say Thanks for all your legal services and I am your best reference.

    Zubair Mufti ~ Texas, USA
  • Dear Dr Zafar and Iram: Thank you very much for timely submission of the excellent opinion letter. It is very well drafted and covers the key points. We very much appreciate your excellent and timely work in preparing the legal opinion.

    Mrs. Iqbal Farrukh ~ San Francisco, USA
  • Dear Attorney Iram Fatima: Thanks so much for all of your kind efforts in this area and I must admit that your legal firm is the best in the country.

    Zubair Mufti ~ Texas, USA
  • The efficiency and effectiveness of your services are much appreciated.

    James Alexander Linton Williams ~ UK
  • We are complately satisfied with the e-communication and provided services. We would like to thank the whole team, and Ms Iram Fatima in particular, for your professionalism and the Due Diligence you carried out.

    Elena Pavlova ~ France
  • Many thanks for this, and thank you for being so prompt. It is very appreciated.

    Alex Gilchrist ~ Somerset, UK
  • Thank you again for handling my case so well, I am honoured to be represented by you.

    Yolanda Slabbert ~ Port Elizabeth, South Africa
  • Thank you very much for your great attention to my case, I see that you're a very serious company and I'm happy that I've choose you.

    Sergio Lujan ~ Bogota, Colombia
  • I really appreciate the help and support provided by Zafar and Associates to our company. I don’t know what to say or how to thank you, but to tell the truth your services are really the best legal services we have ever received. You are truly a professional and effective law firm.

    Adnan Branbo ~ Dubai, UAE
  • Thank you very much for your contribution. We will review the information and incorporate it into the International Citation Manual of Washington University Global Studies Law Review. Your help is appreciated.

    Naomi Levin ~ Washington, USA
  • I wanted to let you know that i got the documents. And i wanted to thank you and the whole team who worked on my case. You all did a good job thanks again.

    Naima Ashraf ~ The Hague, Holland
  • Thank you very much for all the work you have done to ensure that the Death in Service benefit reaches the parents of the deceased. Are they expecting this money and do they understand where it is coming from? We appreciate your assistance and excellent work.

    Susan Bauer ~ London, UK
  • I have no words to express my gratitude to you. People like you are very rare and I have the privilege to know one of those. May God shower all blessings on to you and your family. I am a small man with only prayers on my lips.

    Dr. Haridev Bhargava ~ Saratoga, USA
  • I must say your handling of this matter has been totally sterling and I shall not have any hesitation in recommending you and your firm to others.

    Rosina Ahmad ~ UK
  • Good morning, I received the documents back yesterday afternoon. Thank you so much for your quick response to the job. We really appreciate it. Looking forward to working with you in the further.

    Mrs. Jan Malcolm ~ Auckland, New Zealand
  • Thank you very much for the case. It is just brilliant! I am so grateful that you went out of your way to help me.”

    Loraine Bhan ~ Suva, Fiji
  • I do appreciate highly the sense of commitment your office wishes to dedicate to the follow up of our question for information. I have transmitted the contents of your email IMMEDIATELY to the contact, together with confirmation of the highest esteem we attribute to the quality of the services rendered by ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES.

    Paul Wouters ~ Istanbul, Turkey
  • Thank you very much for the information and good news. I know you’ve been working too hard and I appreciate every single minute working with you all. It’s an experience to be in the team of hardworking people and I am very proud to be included.

    Evangeline Williams ~ Paphos, Cyprus
  • I would like to thank you for your swift and excellent service that your office recently provided us. I would definitely forward your contact information to my friends and family in reference to seeking legal matters in Pakistan. I would also inform Sean Hogan and his associates to pass on your contact information to any clients that may need assistance in the matters of law in Pakistan.

    Zarar Khan ~ Miami, USA
  • We are greatly impressed with your firm and the professional calibre of the partners. If acceptable, we would like to keep your firm as a reference for future projects. Please let me know.

    Tanaz Pardiwala ~ Barcelona, Spain
  • We are happy to inform you that we have received the original succession certificate via DHL. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts, especially Dr. Zafar, who was kind enough to handle the security deposit at the court. With our best wishes and success for the New Year, to you and your esteemed team, we remain with.

    Mansur Asrar ~ Istanbul, Turkey
  • I am writing to convey to you how much I appreciate your prompt service! My mother called me today and informed me that 2 lawyers from your firm visited her. It is a pleasant surprise to know that such a law firm exists in our very own country. I would definitely recommend your firm to any friend who is in need of professional legal services in Pakistan.

    Naveed Ahmad ~ USA
  • I am truly very impressed with the follow up of your law firm. I never thought a Pakistani firm would be so aggressive and pro-active. Do you even happen to come to NYC? If so, then please look me up here when you visit next.

    Faisal Mumtaz ~ New York, USA
  • I want to thank you for all services you have rendered to us. I really appreciate it and hope on further cooperation.

    Petrov Andrey ~ Moscow, Russia
  • With God's help you have done a great thing for our family. Thank you so much for your diligence and expertise. We are truly grateful to God for all that is possible now. We also are looking forward to meeting you and your staff when we arrive in Pakistan next month. Please let us know if there is anything we can bring for you from the United States as a gift.

    Shaukat Minhas and Colleen Davidson ~ Dallas, USA
  • Your help in investigation case is well appreciated. My brother and I are ever grateful to you for obtaining the document. Thank you and god bless you and your practice team.

    Kevin Lessani - Dallas - USA
  • I greatly appreciate that your law firm is very careful in its preparation of petitions. In fact, the outcome of a legal fight greatly depends on how effectively a law firm has presented its case. If it fails to conceive in advance as to what it will have to face in defense, it can not prepare an effective petition. I admire that ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP are very careful in their initial step i.e. to prepare petition, around which the whole legal battle is fought.

    M. Iftikhar Sheikh ~ Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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