ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Immigration & Citizenship - Pakistan

Immigration & Citizenship

Immigration law refers to the statutes, regulations, and legal precedents governing immigration into and deportation from a country, whereas the citizenship is a legal status that means a person has a right to live in a state and that state cannot refuse them entry or deport them.

Immigration law is distinct from other matters such as naturalisation and citizenship, although they are sometimes immixed. On the other hand, the legal status of citizenship may be conferred at birth, or, in some states, obtained through naturalisation.

Our services extends right around the world, with association of emigration consultants and lawyers for providing emigration services for entry to USA, UK, Canada, European Countries, Middle East, Australia and Newzeland etc. We provide a wide range of services for many visas types and categories. Our global emigration services are specifically tailored to assist our clients in traveling or migration to another country. Our qualified migration consultants are ready and willing to provide our clients with valuable emigration advice.

Over the years, we have assisted many satisfied customers with their emigration applications and helped them to make their emigration goals reality. Our team is highly trained and a dedicated group of professionals who are devoted to providing excellent services to our customers. Apart from the emigration services for other countries we also have the clients all over the world who intends to come to Pakistan on Tourist, Business or Work Visas. We also arrange extension of their stay in Pakistan and help them to solve their other relating problems. We render this service to the Consultants and Experts of many Telecommunications, Oil & Gas, Agriculture, SMEs, Infrastructure, Chemicals, IT, Energy, Mining, Tourism and Engineering sectors.

Our dedicated and experienced Attorneys and Staff provide effective and quality legal services to our clients and we are committed to represent Employees, Employers, Companies, Corporations and Individuals - the full spectrum of those who need us. We also handle Appeals for every facet of emigration law to the relevant Appeal Department in each country and handle every kind of emigration problem through Immigration Law Firms in the respective country. It is the mission of our Law offices of Zafar & Associates-LLP to serve our clients, our community and our country.

It is through the use of technology that we are able to make our services more affordable then other Migration Services Organizations or Consultants. Using the power of internet communications we have streamed lined the information gathering and assessment process and in turn pass the corresponding costs savings on to our customers. We like to add that we are not part of any Government but are a Private Company and do not have the authority to grant you a visa of any kind. We can only assist and advice people who want to emigrant to any country. The final decisions on all visa applications rest with the appropriate Government Authority in the Country to which some is seeking to migrate.

Today ZA-LLP is a truly global company having association with Immigration Law Firms in all countries which are largest Immigration Firms worldwide and are clear leaders in technology and service innovation thus we offer a unique concept of providing global capabilities and locally responsive service. Our dynamic team of International Emigration Experts takes an innovate approach to their work that results in the formulation of highly successful emigrant strategies and the delivery of real value to clients.

Business Visa

Entry Business Visa by Missions for Businessmen

To facilitate travel to and staying in Pakistan for foreign business persons and investors, government business visa policies have been considerably relaxed. Missions abroad are authorized to grant five years validity (Multiple) visa within 24 hours to businessmen of 66 countries of Business Visa List (BVL), with the duration of each stay would be restricted for three months, on production of any of the following documents:

  • Recommendation letter from Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CC&I) of the respective country of the applicant.

  • Invitation letter from business organization duly recommended by the concerned Trade Organization/Association, in Pakistan.

  • Recommendatory letter by Honorary Investment Counselors of BOI.

Recommendatory letter from Pakistani Commercial Attache posted in Pakistan High Commissions / Embassies / Consulates General abroad.

  • Argentina

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Azerbaijan

  • Bahrain

  • Belgium

  • Bosnia

  • Brazil

  • Brunei

  • Canada

  • Chile

  • China

  • Cyprus

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Egypt

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Greece

  • Hungary

  • Iceland

  • Indonesia

  • Iran

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Jordan

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kuwait

  • Latvia

  • Lithonia

  • Luxembourg

  • Malaysia

  • Malta

  • Mauritius

  • Mexico

  • Morocco

  • Netherlands

  • New Zealand

  • Norway

  • Oman

  • Philippine

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Qatar

  • Romania

  • Russia

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Singapore

  • Slovakia Republic

  • Slovenia

  • South Africa

  • South Korea

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Thailand

  • Turkey

  • Turkmenistan

  • U.A.E.

  • U.K.

  • U.S.A.

  • Ukraine

  • Vietnam

Table: Consulates Abroad

Entry Visa to Businessmen of Remaining 123 Countries

Missions abroad can grant one month validity and stay (Multiple) entry visa to the businessmen of remaining 123 countries (except countries not recognized by Government of Pakistan) subject to the production of afore-mentioned requisite documents. Such applicants can apply from their own country or place of legal residence to Pakistani Ambassador / High Commissioner / Head of Mission.

Visa on Arrival (VOA) to Businessmen of 66 Countries

Visa on Arrival for 30 days validity and stay will be given to the businessmen of 66 countries of Business Visa List (BVL) mentioned above on production of any of the documents as for entry business visa by Missions for businessmen.

Work Visa

Work visas will be granted to foreign technical and managerial personnel for the purpose of transferring skills and know-how. Companies requiring employment of foreign nationals or extension in their visa should submit the request on the prescribed application form to the Board of Investment (IF Wing) Islamabad, enclosing the following documents:

  • Work Visa Application Form;

  • Passport Photocopies (Information / Entry / Visa Pages);

  • Six Photographs;

  • Company Covering Letter Stating the Period of Visa Required;

  • Company Profile;

  • Employment Agreement; and

  • Company's Incorporation / Registration Certificate.

A Committee under the Chairmanship of the Secretary of BOI periodically considers and decides the cases of granting or extending work visas to foreign personnel. The entry Work Visas will be issued by BOI recommended to the Ministry of Interior for authorization of visa to concerned Mission abroad on the receipt of application alongwith the confirmation / guarantee of the credentials of the expatriates by the company. However the extension / conversion of business visas into Work visas will be authorized and issued by the Ministry of Interior on the basis of the decision of the Committee.

The work visa may be issued for a period up to 2 years with multiple entries by Pak Missions abroad on the recommendation of BOI or for the life of the applicant's passport, which one is earlier. Whereas extension in work visa will be endorsed by the Regional Passport Office of the city where the expatriate is working after the recommendation of BOI upon authorization by the Ministry of Interior.

The extension / conversion of business visa into work visa applications will be processed expeditiously by BOI within 4 weeks. Extension of three months provisional work visa, on application, recommended by BOI would be endorsed by the RPOs instead of Ministry of Interior. In case of multiple entry visas, the number of entries will not be restricted.

Conversion of Business Visa

  • Conversion of Business Visa into Work Visa and vice versa has been allowed on payment of conversion fee of $100/, in addition to visa fee.

  • Multiple entry resident visas for up to 3 years will be issued to business persons of all countries, except those not recognized by Pakistan, who bring in an amount of US$ 200,000.

Registration of Foreigners with the Police

It has been decided by the Government to exempt all foreigners who have been issued work visas from registration with the police, except for nationals of countries on the negative list.

Even in the case of countries on the negative list (except for Indians and foreigners of Indian origin), foreign nationals in the managerial category who are issued work permits/visas will also be exempted from police registration.

Indian working in World Bank / ABD / IMF / UN Agencies and Multinational Companies

Indian passport holders working in World Bank/ADB/IMF/UN Agencies and Multinational Companies would be facilitated visa by the respective Pakistan's Ambassador after clearing with Link Offices.

NGOs Visas

Embassies are empowered to grant short term visa for one month to the expatriates working with Non Government Organizations in Pakistan.

For long term visa, the NGO is required to be registered with Government of Pakistan. In such cases, Mission abroad refers the applications for prior clearance from Ministry of Interior before granting visas.

In case of extension of visa, the registered NGOs may apply to Ministry of Interior which in turn authorizes the concerned RPOs for grant of extension of visa, if all the formalities are met.

ZA-LLP provide the legal services to NGOS not only for getting their visas endorsed on their Passports but also for their registration with respective Government Departments.

Tourist Visa

Pakistan Missions abroad are authorized to grant visit / tourist visa for three months validity and stay with double entry to foreigners of 175 countries.

RPOs have been authorized to extend tourist visa up to a maximum period of six months including the initial visa period and condone overstay up to 15 days on payment of visa fee.

For Northern Areas, the Deputy Commissioners Gilgit & Skardu have been authorized to allow extension in visa for three months and one re-entry to the tourists in Northern Areas, charging visa fee as per policy.

Group Tourism through Designated Tour Operators

Visa On Arrival (VOA) will be allowed for one month validity and stay (Multiple) to Group Tourists of 24 Tourists Friendly Countries (TFC) through designated Tour Operators in Pakistan subject to the following conditions:

  • The case will be submitted through designated / authorized tour operators only;

  • The concerned tour operator will also submit undertaking to the effect that the tourists will be their responsibility and that they will not illegally overstay beyond validity of visa;

  • If required, the same tour operators will apply, before expiry of visa for further extension up to 30 days; and

  • The concerned tour operators will submit a confirmation about exit of the said tourists, after their actual leaving the country.

House Maid Visa

Entry visa to work as housemaid / domestic servant in Pakistan will be granted by Missions abroad only with prior approval of the Ministry of Interior. Applications for grant of fresh visa as housemaid/domestic servant etc., to a foreigner will be forwarded by the employers in Pakistan to Ministry of Interior with following documents:

  • Visa application form duly completed with two photographs of the applicant;

  • Computer clearance Performa;

  • NOC and Acknowledgement from the foreign mission concerned (in Pakistan) about proposed employment of the foreigner by the said employer;

  • Employment Contract on stamp paper, duly signed by the employee and employer and two witnesses;

  • Photostat copies of passport pages; and

  • Passport photostat copy of the employer (in case the employer is a foreigner).

Extension in Housemaid Work/Domestic servant visa cases is granted by the Ministry of Interior on year to year basis subject to the validity of passport of the applicant with one or two re-entries per year.

Missionary Work Visa

The applications for grant of initial visa/extension for missionary work Christian Missionaries in Pakistan is processed by the Ministry of Interior. Entry visas are not granted to foreign missionaries desirous of opening new missions or strengthening existing one engaged in proselytizing activities. Foreign missionaries can apply for entry visa through Pakistan missions abroad who will refer the cases to Ministry of Interior with following documents of the applicants:

  • Visa application form, duly completed with two photographs;

  • Computer Proforma;

  • Letter from a Missionary Organization certifying that he/she is a bonafide member of the said Organization, which takes full responsibility for his / her maintenance, boarding / lodging and return journey in case repatriation from Pakistan was required;

  • Declaration to respect and abide by the laws of Pakistan and that he / she will refrain from indulging in internal politics and will comply with all the regulations of Pakistan;

  • Biodata for last 10 years;

  • Photostat copies of his / her educational degrees diplomas / certificates (with English translation, if required)

  • Letter from the Organization in Pakistan inviting the said missionary worker; and

  • Complete details of the person being replaced showing the exact date of his final exit, and visa position at that time alongwith photo copies of passport pages indicating final exit, final visa as well as the cancellation of un-utilized visa( if any).

The Ministry of Interior after obtaining the views of the Provincial Government Clearance authorizes missions abroad for entry visa for one year with one re-entry. Missionary workers shall apply for extension in visa one month before expiry of visa to the nearest Regional Passport Office. In case, the documents furnished are in order, visa extension for two years with 2 re-entries per year (not valid for India) will be granted by RPO concerned.

Diplomatic UN Visa

Gratis Visa of diplomats / non-diplomats assigned to the foreign missions and expatriate staff of UN agencies working in Pakistan and their families are granted by the Ministry of Interior on the recommendations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Visa to domestic servants of diplomats is issued free of charge, on the principle of reciprocity. All foreign missions are required to furnish their applications for visa extension, well before the expiry of their visas, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Visa extension authorization will be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for onward transmission to the foreign mission concerned.

Student Visa

Request of the students is received by the MOI and Ministry of Education. Student visa is granted after obtaining NOC from Ministry of Education / Economics Affairs Division/Ministry of Health (as the case may be) and foreign Mission in Pakistan of the respective country and security clearance. NOC is granted of the security cleared students for entry visa to the Mission abroad for three months with single entry.

Foreign Students studying in Pakistan on proper student visa are granted visa/visa extension for one year with one re-entry. The same procedure is applied to foreign teachers of International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Afghan Visa

Afghan nationals holding Afghan passport, living in Pakistan since long are allowed visa/visa extension for a period of six months with one re entry. Afghan origin / third country passports holders are initially granted 45-days visa by our missions abroad except Pakistan Mission in Afghanistan. They are allowed further extension for 45-days. Afghan nationals coming from Afghanistan are granted six months visa with one re-entry by Pakistan Mission in Afghanistan.

Journalist Visa

Accredited and Based in Pakistan

Pakistan Missions abroad are authorized to grant visa to the journalists accredited and based in Pakistan for duration of assignment in consultation with Press attached & and verification of the credentials except for Indian journalists without referring to the Ministries of Interior or Information and Broadcasting for Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. If they wish to travel to other cities, they will apply through Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Non Based

Missions abroad will grant three months validity and stay (Multiple) visa for Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi after verification of the credentials of the journalist. Non based foreign Journalists for short visits are allowed one-month visa extension with two re-entries by RPOs on the recommendation of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Their requests to visit additional places received through Ministry of Information and Media Development are considered on case to case basis.

Family Visit Visa for Pak Origin Foreigners

Foreigners of Pak Origin are granted visa with multiple entries up to one year or validity of their passport, whichever is less by Missions abroad. RPOs may grant Extension in visa to foreigners of Pak Origin for one year with multiple entries and up to 5 years without entries, subject to validity of their passport. A period of overstay up to six months can be condoned by RPOs in such cases. Foreign wives of Foreigner of Pak Origin are also issued the same visa extension as to Pak Origin foreigners, subject to production of copy of Nikkah Nama / Marriage Certificate and NIC of husband.

Landing Permit for 72 hours can be granted by Airport Immigration staff, with prior approval of the Zonal Director (FIA) concerned, to the foreigners of Pak Origin and their families only in emergency cases on production of documentary proof of Pak Origin.

Pilgrimage Visa

Sikhs of foreign passport holders (other than the Indian passports) are granted entry visa by the Missions for a fortnight for the following places: Lahore, Sheikhupura (Nankana Sahib), Rawalpindi / Hasan Abdal (Punja Sahib).

Imposition of Overstay Surcharge on Foreigners

Period of Overstay

Overstay Surcharge

  • Up to 2 weeks

  • -

  • Above 2 weeks to 1 month

  • US$ 20/-

  • Above 1 month to 3 months

  • US$ 50/-

  • Above 3 months to 1 year

  • US$ 100/-

Table: Foreign Nationals

Period of Overstay

Overstay Surcharge

  • Up to one month

  • -

  • Above 1 month to 6 months

  • US$ 10/-

  • Above 6 months to 1 year

  • US$ 20/-

  • Beyond 1 year

  • US$ 40/- per year

Table: Foreigners of Pak Origin

  • All powers of externment etc. available with MOI will apply in addition to the above surcharge.

  • No surcharge shall be payable in case of children up to 12 years of age.

  • 50% surcharge shall be payable in case of children up to 18 years of age.

  • Rs. 20/- per day shall be charged for any period of overstay.

The above schedule of surcharge shall be effective after one month of amnesty from the date of publication of this notice. During amnesty period, visa extension will be allowed on payment of normal visa fee and thereafter all extensions in visa will be subject to payment of surcharge as per above schedule.

Registration of Foreigners with Police

All foreigners are exempted from registration with the Police except the nationals of Algeria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Nigeria, P.L.O, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Serbia, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen; as well as such other foreign nationals who are directed by the immigration authorities to report to FRO for registration and a stamp is affixed to this effect, on their passports.

However, nationals in the managerial category, who are issued work permit/visa from these countries, will be exempted from Police registration except Indians and foreigners of Indian origin.

Visa Policy (For Indian Nationals)

All Indians wishing to visit Pakistan must obtain a valid visa. The basic requirements for obtaining a visa are as follows:

  • Valid passport. The passport should be valid for at least one year.

  • Visa application form duly filled in.

  • Visa application forms for getting visas either through the Interior Division or Pakistan Mission abroad are annexed.

  • Payment of prescribed Visa Fee, visa fee is realized through cash on the visa counter or through bank challan.

For business visa, a letter from the company/organization in Pakistan sponsoring the applicant stating the purpose of visit is required.

The Embassies/High Commissions for Pakistan deal with visa matters on all the working days of the week (Monday to Friday). While in Gulf countries, the Pakistani Missions remain open from Saturday to Wednesday. None of the Missions is however open on any of the Gazetted holidays of the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The following types of visas are granted to the resident/Non-resident Indian by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Visitors Visa

Visitors visa are issued to Indian Nationals to meet relatives, friends or for any other legitimate purpose. This type of visa is also issued to bonafide Indian businessmen for six months with three entries.

Transit Visa

Transit visa valid for up to two entries for stay in the city/port of entry for 72 hours issued to Indian nationals, proceeding to Indian by air or sea through Pakistan.

Tourist Visa

A non-extendable tourist visa valid for 14 days is issued by Pakistan High Commission, New Delhi through approved tour operators/travel agents.

Check Post

Following are the designated entry/exit check posts for Indian nationals, coming to Pakistan:

  • By Air Karachi / Lahore / Islamabad

  • By Sea Karachi

  • By Road Wagha

Instruction for Obtaining Pakistani Visa

  • Please fill in the visa Application Form in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column to be left blank.

  • Please fill in the Computer Performa in CAPITAL LETTERS (Four Copies).

  • Prescribed Visa fee should be deposited in cash and receipt obtained. Passport will be returned on presentation of receipt. The fee is non-refundable.

  • Two copies of the form will be returned to the applicant with visa. One each should be handed over to Pakistan Immigration Officer on arrival and Police Registration Office.

  • The applicant should be in possession of US $45 or equivalent in Foreign Exchange at the time of entry.

  • The visitors may enter Pakistan by Air, Train, Road but the point of exit and mode of travel for their return journey will remain the same. However, the persons entering By Air may exit from different Airport with Prior permission.

  • The visitors must repot for Police Registration within 24 hours of entry in Pakistan and prior to Departure/Arrival at each subsequent place of visit in Pakistan.

  • Provide copy of N.I.C of the sponsor of Indian National(s).

  • Provide copy of the Passport of the applicant(s).

  • Valid Passport. The Passport should be valid for at least one year.

Pakistani Citizenship

1. Citizenship to Old parents of Pakistani nationals residing in India

Documents required of Old Parents

  • Application on prescribed form duly attested by oath commissioner / notary public (in quadruplicate) on their behalf by their sons/daughters is to be submitted to the Directorate General Immigration & Passports Islamabad.

  • Government Fee for grant of Emergency certificate in the applicant's name to be deposited in the nearest passport office branch of the National Bank of Pakistan.

  • His / Her own affidavit on Stamp Paper regarding facts of the case.

  • Six color photographs with light blue background of India Dependent, one duly attested on back side bye oath commissioner / notary public.

  • Documentary evidence to confirm his/her national status as citizen of Pakistan other than Pakistan Passport, affidavit and National Identity Card, such as two certificates from two different officers of Grade 17 or above of central of provincial government.

  • List of close relations residing in India.

  • A certificate from government officer in BPS-17 of above confirming the relationship of the applicant with his / her Indian Dependent.

  • Five specimen signatures and thumb impressions of the Indian dependent attested by the applicant.

Emergency certificate is granted followed by Pakistan Citizenship Certificate.

2. Pakistani Citizenship to Commonwealth Citizens who transfer Rs.5 million worth of foreign exchange:

Documents required of Commonwealth Citizens

  • Application on form "R" duly attested by the mission (in quadruplicate) is to be submitted to the Directorate General Immigration & Passports Government of Pakistan Islamabad through Pakistan Mission abroad.

  • Five photographs with blue background.

  • Original bank proceeds certificate regarding transfer of Rs 5 million to Pakistan through normal banking channel.

  • Photocopy of present passport.

  • Prescribed Government Fee.

  • List of close relations residing in India.

  • A certificate from the governmental officer in BPS-17 of above confirming the relationship of the applicant with his / her Indian Dependent.

  • After confirmation from State Bank for bank transaction of Rs. 5 million, Immigrant visa for Pakistan is issued. Pakistan Citizenship certificate is granted after arrival in Pakistan.

3. Pakistani Citizenship to the nationals of countries other than Commonwealth after they have resided in Pakistan for a period of five years under the Naturalization Act, 1926. i.e. 12 months continuous stay preceding to the date of application and four years aggregate stay during the 7 years preceding to the said twelve months:

Documents required of Non-Commonwealth Citizens

  • Application on form "A" duly attested by Notary Public (in quadruplicate) is to be submitted to Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan Islamabad.

  • Prescribed Government Fee is to be deposited in parts i.e. at the time of submission of application and at the time of grant of certificate.

  • Affidavit on Stamp paper regarding facts of the case.

  • Six colored photographs with light blue background.

  • Photocopies of passport along with a statement showing stay of the applicant in Pakistan for five years.

4. Pakistani Citizenship to Foreign Ladies Married to Pakistani Nationals:

Documents required of Foreign Ladies

  • An affidavit on non judicial stamp paper from the applicant and her husband regarding detail facts of the case.

  • A similar affidavit from the husband on non judicial stamp paper.

  • Photostat copies of relevant pages of applicant's foreign passport.

  • Photostat copy of residential permit.

  • Photocopy of marriage certificate.

  • Photostat copy of domicile certificate of the applicant ( in case of applicant other than commonwealth Citizen)

  • List of close-relations residing in India on the prescribed form.

  • Photostat copies of Pakistan Citizenship Certificate/Domicile Certificate of the applicant's husband (in case the husband has been issued such certificate).

  • Six color photographs with light blue background size 2X1 1/2. One attested on front and one on back by Notary public/Oath Commissioner.

  • Photostat copies of the relevant pages of the Pakistani passport and national identity card of the husband.

    All of the mentioned documents may be attested by Notary public/Oath Commissioner except the photographs which have to be attested in a manner specified.

  • Bank Chalan of Government described Fee.

  • Oath of allegiance taken before 1st Class Magistrate (in case of citizen other than Commonwealth).

  • Attested copy of domicile of the lady (in case of citizens other than commonwealth).

  • Two certificates form two different Government Officers not less than B-17 confirming the date national status of the applicant's husband. Such certificates must also indicate the date and place of birth of the applicant's husband and his income.

  • Applications form can either be submitted to Directorate General Immigration & Passports Islamabad or its RPO at Lahore & Karachi or in the offices of Deputy Commissioners of other Districts in Pakistan.

5. Pakistani Citizenship to Minor children (below 21 years of age) of Pak Ladies Married to Foreigners:

Documents required of Minor Children

  • Application on form M (in quadruplicate) form Pakistani parents/Guardians.

  • Four photographs.

  • Affidavit from Pakistani parents/Guardian regarding fact of the case.

  • Documentary evidence proving the national status of Parents/Guardians as Citizen of Pakistan.

  • Government Fee.

  • Application form can either be submitted direct to Directorate General Immigration & Passports Islamabad or its RPOs at Lahore & Karachi or in the offices of Deputy Commissioners of other Districts in Pakistan.

6. Children born to Pakistani mother and foreign national father after 18.04.2000 are to be treated automatically as citizens of Pakistan

7. Grant of Pakistan Citizenship to Foreign Nationals (Investors)

Any person of a country recognized by Pakistan may obtain Pakistani Citizenship by investing a minimum of US$ 0.75 million in tangible assets and $ 0.25 million (or equivalent in major foreign currency) in cash on a non-repatriable basis and by fulfilling the conditions of the Pakistan Citizenship Law. Investment on a non-repatriable basis means that the amount is brought to Pakistan through normal banking channels, converted into rupees, and never remitted back through the free market.

Dual Nationality

Government of Pakistan has dual nationality arrangements with the following 16 countries:

Country Name

Country Name

  • 01. USA

  • 09. Italy

  • 02. England

  • 10. Ireland

  • 03. Syria

  • 11. Iceland

  • 04. Switzerland

  • 12. France

  • 05. Sweden

  • 13. Egypt

  • 06. New Zealand

  • 14. Canada

  • 07. Netherlands

  • 15. Belgium

  • 08. Jordan

  • 16. Australia

Table: Dual Nationality

The nationals of these countries are not required to renounce their nationality while acquiring Pakistan Citizenship.

Renunciation of Pakistan Citizenship

Any citizen of Pakistan residing outside Pakistan, who is not a minor and is also a citizen or national of another country or has been given by the competent authority of another country any valid document assuring him/her of the grant of citizenship or nationality of that other country, shall make a declaration of renunciation of citizenship of Pakistan in Form X (in duplicate) to the Directorate General Immigration & Passports Islamabad through Pakistan Mission abroad.

The person concerned will cease to be citizen of Pakistan from the date of such registration of renunciation of Pak citizenship.

Where a male person ceases to be a citizen of Pakistan under Section 14-A (I) of Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951

  • Every such minor child of that person as is residing outside Pakistan shall thereupon cease to be a citizen of Pakistan provided any such child may, within one year of his completing the age of 21 years, make a declaration that he wishes to resume the citizenship of Pakistan and shall upon making of such declaration become a citizen of Pakistan.

  • Every such minor of that person as is residing in Pakistan shall continue to be a citizen of Pakistan.

  • The fee for renunciation applications is Rs. 500/- only.

Registration of Birth of a Child of Citizen of Pakistan Born in Country Outside Pakistan.

The birth of such children may be reported by the parents or guardians on Form S to the Pakistan Mission abroad within a period of six months.

Annual Registration by a Citizen of Pakistan Resident Abroad

Citizens of Pakistan are required to get themselves registered with Pakistan Mission abroad annually on form I.

Legalisation of Documents and Attestation

ZA-LLP also provides the legal services to our multinational clients for making the legalization of educational certificates, Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates and any other document by the Foreign Embassies after the attestation of Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other related Ministries. We also make the translation of such documents into English or into any other language, if required by any Embassy. Click here to find our full scope of services.

Our Core Competencies


Collaborative Skillset

Collaborative lawyers trust the wisdom of the group; lone wolves and isolationists do not do any good anymore.


Emotional Intelligence

Distant, detached lawyers are relics of the 20th century, the market no longer wants a lawyer who is only half a person.


Technological Affinity

If you can not effectively and efficiently use e-communications, and mobile tech, you might as well just stay home.


Time Management

Virtually a substantial part of lawyers difficulties in this regard lie with their inability to prioritise their time.

What People Say About Us

  • Thank you for your email and the final draft. Indeed it is one of the finest drafts I have come across with. Certainly, your commitment level, eagerness to resolve, intellectual strength, attention to detail and legal expertise are commendable. Under your admirable guidance and direction, I have been able to maneuver with immense success and will reach fruition much earlier than anticipated. Thank you for being so supportive!

    Yaser Shan ~ Toronto, Canada
  • Thank you again so much for this wonderful service. I just wanted you both to know, I spent weeks searching for a service in Pakistan like this, that could legally handle payroll for a Pakistani employee for a US based business and so far I am extremely happy with your organization's service and punctuality. Your service thus far is absolutely amazing and I know Sunita is grateful that we were able to find your organization to ensure her position at our company.

    Prince E. Rich IV | CEO ~ Rich Technology Group LLC, USA
  • We are very happy with the work you have done. Its highly appreciated the professionalism and deep research by the team. Accept our deep gratitude! I do not know how to say Thank you to you and your team! It's a masterpiece you have created and we are very thankful for your help to assist in our social cause.

    Imtiaz Makhani ~ Karachi, Pakistan
  • Thank you very much for your fantastic support, which has been absolutely invaluable throughout the process. We really enjoyed working with you and look forward to plenty more opportunities for shared projects into the future.

    Dr. Albrecht Muser | KPMG ~ München, Germany
  • Working with all of you over the last years has been a pleasure and an honour! Your expertise, focus on customer service and professionalism make it possible for us to provide superior services to our clients and I am so grateful to you.

    Maude Burger-Smith ~ Cape Town, South Africa
  • We are glad to inform you the receipt of current outstanding balance in our bank account from the disputed party. Therefore we request you to arrange to close the dispute case with them as per our management decision. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support and advice to solve this matter. It was pleasure working with you all.

    Rahul Meppad ~ Dubai, UAE
  • Thank you for your support in this process and for your great hospitality. Your assistance has been of great importance. It was also important to see and experience the high quality of your services and your well known firm.

    Magnus Greko ~ Sweden
  • Thank you for your support in this process. Your assistance has been invaluable. We are looking forward to a long lasting working relationship with you. Also, thank you for hospitality during these past days.

    Lothar Geilen ~ Germany
  • Dear Atty. Iram Fatima: I would like to let you know that my wife came in USA last week. The U.S. Embassy Islamabad approved her visa petition in the lights of all the wonderful endeavors done by you and Mr. Birach. It was a long legal battle of about 7 years. I must say that your law firm is one of the best in the country and you are a highly professional advocate. Dr. Zafar should feel proud to have you in his crew. Finally, again I would say Thanks for all your legal services and I am your best reference.

    Zubair Mufti ~ Texas, USA
  • Dear Dr Zafar and Iram: Thank you very much for timely submission of the excellent opinion letter. It is very well drafted and covers the key points. We very much appreciate your excellent and timely work in preparing the legal opinion.

    Mrs. Iqbal Farrukh ~ San Francisco, USA
  • Dear Attorney Iram Fatima: Thanks so much for all of your kind efforts in this area and I must admit that your legal firm is the best in the country.

    Zubair Mufti ~ Texas, USA
  • The efficiency and effectiveness of your services are much appreciated.

    James Alexander Linton Williams ~ UK
  • We are complately satisfied with the e-communication and provided services. We would like to thank the whole team, and Ms Iram Fatima in particular, for your professionalism and the Due Diligence you carried out.

    Elena Pavlova ~ France
  • Many thanks for this, and thank you for being so prompt. It is very appreciated.

    Alex Gilchrist ~ Somerset, UK
  • Thank you again for handling my case so well, I am honoured to be represented by you.

    Yolanda Slabbert ~ Port Elizabeth, South Africa
  • Thank you very much for your great attention to my case, I see that you're a very serious company and I'm happy that I've choose you.

    Sergio Lujan ~ Bogota, Colombia
  • I really appreciate the help and support provided by Zafar and Associates to our company. I don’t know what to say or how to thank you, but to tell the truth your services are really the best legal services we have ever received. You are truly a professional and effective law firm.

    Adnan Branbo ~ Dubai, UAE
  • Thank you very much for your contribution. We will review the information and incorporate it into the International Citation Manual of Washington University Global Studies Law Review. Your help is appreciated.

    Naomi Levin ~ Washington, USA
  • I wanted to let you know that i got the documents. And i wanted to thank you and the whole team who worked on my case. You all did a good job thanks again.

    Naima Ashraf ~ The Hague, Holland
  • Thank you very much for all the work you have done to ensure that the Death in Service benefit reaches the parents of the deceased. Are they expecting this money and do they understand where it is coming from? We appreciate your assistance and excellent work.

    Susan Bauer ~ London, UK
  • I have no words to express my gratitude to you. People like you are very rare and I have the privilege to know one of those. May God shower all blessings on to you and your family. I am a small man with only prayers on my lips.

    Dr. Haridev Bhargava ~ Saratoga, USA
  • I must say your handling of this matter has been totally sterling and I shall not have any hesitation in recommending you and your firm to others.

    Rosina Ahmad ~ UK
  • Good morning, I received the documents back yesterday afternoon. Thank you so much for your quick response to the job. We really appreciate it. Looking forward to working with you in the further.

    Mrs. Jan Malcolm ~ Auckland, New Zealand
  • Thank you very much for the case. It is just brilliant! I am so grateful that you went out of your way to help me.”

    Loraine Bhan ~ Suva, Fiji
  • I do appreciate highly the sense of commitment your office wishes to dedicate to the follow up of our question for information. I have transmitted the contents of your email IMMEDIATELY to the contact, together with confirmation of the highest esteem we attribute to the quality of the services rendered by ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES.

    Paul Wouters ~ Istanbul, Turkey
  • Thank you very much for the information and good news. I know you’ve been working too hard and I appreciate every single minute working with you all. It’s an experience to be in the team of hardworking people and I am very proud to be included.

    Evangeline Williams ~ Paphos, Cyprus
  • I would like to thank you for your swift and excellent service that your office recently provided us. I would definitely forward your contact information to my friends and family in reference to seeking legal matters in Pakistan. I would also inform Sean Hogan and his associates to pass on your contact information to any clients that may need assistance in the matters of law in Pakistan.

    Zarar Khan ~ Miami, USA
  • We are greatly impressed with your firm and the professional calibre of the partners. If acceptable, we would like to keep your firm as a reference for future projects. Please let me know.

    Tanaz Pardiwala ~ Barcelona, Spain
  • We are happy to inform you that we have received the original succession certificate via DHL. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts, especially Dr. Zafar, who was kind enough to handle the security deposit at the court. With our best wishes and success for the New Year, to you and your esteemed team, we remain with.

    Mansur Asrar ~ Istanbul, Turkey
  • I am writing to convey to you how much I appreciate your prompt service! My mother called me today and informed me that 2 lawyers from your firm visited her. It is a pleasant surprise to know that such a law firm exists in our very own country. I would definitely recommend your firm to any friend who is in need of professional legal services in Pakistan.

    Naveed Ahmad ~ USA
  • I am truly very impressed with the follow up of your law firm. I never thought a Pakistani firm would be so aggressive and pro-active. Do you even happen to come to NYC? If so, then please look me up here when you visit next.

    Faisal Mumtaz ~ New York, USA
  • I want to thank you for all services you have rendered to us. I really appreciate it and hope on further cooperation.

    Petrov Andrey ~ Moscow, Russia
  • With God's help you have done a great thing for our family. Thank you so much for your diligence and expertise. We are truly grateful to God for all that is possible now. We also are looking forward to meeting you and your staff when we arrive in Pakistan next month. Please let us know if there is anything we can bring for you from the United States as a gift.

    Shaukat Minhas and Colleen Davidson ~ Dallas, USA
  • Your help in investigation case is well appreciated. My brother and I are ever grateful to you for obtaining the document. Thank you and god bless you and your practice team.

    Kevin Lessani - Dallas - USA
  • I greatly appreciate that your law firm is very careful in its preparation of petitions. In fact, the outcome of a legal fight greatly depends on how effectively a law firm has presented its case. If it fails to conceive in advance as to what it will have to face in defense, it can not prepare an effective petition. I admire that ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP are very careful in their initial step i.e. to prepare petition, around which the whole legal battle is fought.

    M. Iftikhar Sheikh ~ Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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