ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Mediation Law Services - Pakistan

Mediation Law Services

Mediation law represents a process in which a neutral third person, the mediator, encourages and facilitates the resolution of a dispute between two or more parties, it is an informal and non-adversarial process which has the objective of helping the disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary agreement, with non-binding mediation, decision-making and authority rest entirely with the parties.

The mediator acts as a facilitator, guiding the parties in identifying issues, engaging in joint problem-solving, and exploring creative settlement alternatives. Although the process is voluntary and nonbinding, it results in a strikingly high settlement rate. There are a variety of reasons to select mediation, rather than litigation or arbitration, and it has become increasingly common for courts to order parties to mediate in cases in which they have not engaged in settlement negotiations prior to trial.

Parties are generally more satisfied with a mediated resolution, rather than one imposed upon them such as happens with a court judgment, because the parties created the solution themselves. In recent years, the use of binding mediation has developed as an alternative to arbitration and incorporates the negotiation aspects of mediation with the certainty of an outcome. Mediation is also much less costly than protracted litigation or arbitration.

The use of binding and non-binding mediation has increased greatly in both the private and public sectors, particularly for legal and business disputes. Many companies have chosen to insert mediation clauses into standard contracts as a preliminary dispute resolution step before arbitration or litigation. ZA-LLP is a leader in providing innovative uses of mediation to resolve disputes throughout the country. ZA-LLP has developed standard mediation procedures which apply to all cases submitted to ZA-LLP offices.

What is Mediation?

During the last 10 years, mediation has grown into one of the most popular alternatives for resolving civil disputes in Pakistan. Many lawyers, insurance companies, risk managers and legal departments now use mediation on a day-to-day basis to help resolve claims and litigation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Across the country, ZA-LLP, through its local offices, successfully mediates many thousands of disputes each year in a wide variety of legal areas.

At a mediation session, the disputing parties meet with an impartial person, the mediator, to attempt to reach a mutually acceptable settlement. There are no formal court procedures or rules of evidence, although careful pre-mediation preparation and organization are crucial to a successful mediation outcome. Unlike a judge or arbitrator, the mediator has no authority to render a decision or force the parties to accept a settlement. Yet in the great majority of cases, the training and ability of a professional mediator can help achieve a final settlement of the matter which would not otherwise be possible.

What types of disputes can be resolved through Mediation?

All kinds. Mediation has been successfully used for tort claims, commercial and business disputes, construction issues, employee grievances, environmental claims, professional malpractice allegations, product liability claims, maritime issues, insurance coverage disputes, real estate interpretations, partnership dissolutions, securities-related disputes, domestic relations matters, and workers' compensation claims.

It makes no difference whether liability is admitted or hotly contested, whether the case is in litigation or not yet filed, or whether the dispute involves a few thousand dollars or many millions of dollars or issues other than money--mediation has proven effective in all of these situations.

What are the advantages of Mediation?

Settle disputes now. Almost every case will settle prior to trial. So the real issue is not if a case will settle, but when. A mediation session has the effect of getting settlement negotiations focused much more quickly than if the case proceeds to trial. Proposing mediation is an excellent way to get settlement discussions moving in the right direction and away from court.

Save money. An early settlement naturally saves litigation expenses and other costs related to managing the dispute.

Maintain control. Mediation differs from arbitration or trial because the mediator does not make a decision or force any party to accept a settlement. When you agree to mediate a dispute, you are only agreeing to attend the mediation session and participate in a good faith effort to settle the matter. Consequently, you are always in full control of the outcome.

Improve everyone's understanding. The mediation session is designed to educate everyone about the legal and factual issues involved in the dispute, and this can be particularly helpful to people who are unfamiliar with the litigation or claims process. For example, many attorneys have told us that their clients would not have accepted a reasonable settlement offer had they not attended a mediation session.

Informally explore settlement options. Because of the confidential nature of private meetings, often referred to as 'caucuses,' the mediator can explore settlement options without exposing your final position. This can remove the "posturing" that takes place during traditional negotiations.

Organise multiple party negotiations. The mediator can play a major role in simply organizing the discussions. The mediator can work closely, and confidentially, with each side to explore settlement possibilities and put a settlement package together.

Preserve continuing relationships. Mediation is particularly appropriate in situations in which the disputing parties will be working together after the dispute is resolved. Some examples include construction projects, commercial leases, partnerships, business suppliers, and employment relationships. Mediation allows the parties to stay on the best terms possible by doing everything they can to settle their dispute as quickly and easily as possible.

How is a Mediation case started?

Typically, one party to a dispute will contact the nearest ZA-LLP office to initiate mediation scheduling efforts or propose mediation to the other parties. As a general rule, the parties have discussed the possibility of mediation prior to contacting ZA-LLP, although it is always an option to have ZA-LLP initiate the contact about mediation. In some situations, ZA-LLP, as an impartial organization, might have a greater chance of gaining the parties' participation in mediation. Because mediation is such a sensible process, ZA-LLP administrators are usually successful at convincing everyone to participate. Under the ZA-LLP Fee Schedule (which varies by office), there is generally no administrative fee charged if a necessary party declines to participate in mediation.

Mediations are conducted in accordance with uniform ZA-LLP Mediation Procedures.

What takes place at the Mediation Session?

All parties to a dispute will be present at the mediation session. For example, participants in a typical personal injury case usually include the plaintiff and the plaintiff's counsel, an insurance company representative, possibly a defense attorney, and the mediator. In a commercial case, the owners and/or managers would attend, along with their attorneys.

All parties, representatives and the mediator first meet in a joint meeting format. After introductory remarks by the mediator and the signing of the Agreement to Mediate (if not already signed earlier), each party is given the opportunity to explain its position in the presence of the other participants. These short and informal opening statements, typically no more than ten to twenty minutes long, are a starting point for the mediator to gain an understanding of the case.

After the joint session, the mediator will meet with each side individually. These separate meetings, called caucuses, are confidential. In each caucus, the mediator will discuss the risks of the case -- best and worst outcomes, quality of evidence and the costs of litigation. The mediator will also explore possible settlements. It is common for the mediator to go back and forth between the parties for a number of private meetings, just as the mediator may bring the parties back together for joint discussions. If the mediation results in a settlement, the parties may choose to draft a formal settlement agreement.

What if the case doesn't settle?

Most cases will settle at the mediation session or shortly thereafter. If a settlement is not reached at the mediation session, the mediator may continue the discussions by telephone, and in some cases the parties may elect to have a second session. If a full settlement is not reached, the parties are free to pursue other options such as arbitration or litigation. Parties whose cases don't settle in mediation at ZA-LLP do not pay any additional administrative fee to proceed with arbitration through ZA-LLP.

How to prepare for a Mediation Session?

Preparing for a mediation session is much easier than preparing for an arbitration or a trial:

  • There are no pre-session pleadings required, although in a more complex case the parties may wish to furnish the mediator with a short brief or explanatory documents that were prepared for another purpose.

  • Prior to the mediation session, all parties should have obtained sufficient information to make settlement decisions. It is common for ZA-LLP and/or the mediator to help with informal information exchanges. Please make ZA-LLP or the other parties aware of any information you need prior to the mediation session.

  • A critical element of a successful mediation is that each side must be represented by a person with adequate authority to settle the case. This typically means that clients, business managers, etc., should attend.

  • A ten to twenty minute opening statement should be prepared. Keep in mind that this is an excellent opportunity to talk directly to the other side. Representatives should consider whether their clients should participate in this presentation (e.g., how the accident or dispute has affected them).

  • Obviously, you need to be prepared to discuss the details of your case. Have quick access to needed information.

How much will Mediation Cost?

No filing fee is required upon initial submission of a case. ZA-LLP offices charge a basic administrative fee and hourly or per diem fees for the mediator's time, which will be pre-collected at the time of scheduling or billed after the mediation is concluded.

In many cases, the parties agree to divide the mediation costs, although it is not uncommon for one party to pay the entire cost. There must be a clear fee agreement prior to the mediation session taking place.

How is Mediation different from Arbitration and Settlement Conferences?

Arbitration involves the presentation of evidence to an arbitrator for a legally binding decision. Arbitration can be effective, but it is generally more time consuming and expensive than mediation, plus the parties give up control of the outcome (although high-low agreements can be used to provide a limited range for the decision).

In a judicial settlement conference, parties submit informal evidence to a judge for an advisory decision. However, any time an outside party is rendering an opinion, particularly about case value, there is a risk that one party will strongly disagree with the opinion and the other party will be locked in to a settlement at that figure. This can actually impair further settlement efforts. Remember that almost every case settles anyway, so the role of the neutral should be to help parties move toward settlement. For this reason, mediation is often preferred to arbitration or settlement conferences.

What cases should be sent to Mediation?

As discussed in previous sections, any type of case can be mediated, and there are often many benefits to mediating. ZA-LLP has developed a checklist of characteristics for selecting cases for mediation. Each ZA-LLP office also provides in-house training in how to identify mediation cases.

How are Mediation clauses used?

Many businesses and attorneys are routinely inserting mediation clauses into contracts. By using such a clause, the parties are pre-agreeing to use mediation in the event of a dispute.

ZA-LLP knows that disputes are inevitable, and some of them can be settled by the parties without outside intervention. Other disputes may require a jury trial as the only viable option. Most disputes, however, can be resolved through the effective use of one or more of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services provided by ZA-LLP.

ZA-LLP provides consulting services to insurance companies, law firms, businesses and government agencies who are looking for cost-effective ways to manage claims and litigation. The services provided range from scheduling a single mediation, arbitration or fact-finding hearing to designing and implementing a multi-step, nationwide grievance process. Through consultation with ZA-LLP, many businesses have developed dispute avoidance techniques such as mediation clauses, arbitration clauses or in-house training courses in conflict management.

Other services have ranged from designing Settlement Day mediation programs for large numbers of similar claims to orchestrating mini-trials and arbitrations for complex commercial disputes. Whatever the approach, ZA-LLP maintains a staff of consulting ADR providers who can recommend the right approach for each particular situation.

Our Core Competencies


Collaborative Skillset

Collaborative lawyers trust the wisdom of the group; lone wolves and isolationists do not do any good anymore.


Emotional Intelligence

Distant, detached lawyers are relics of the 20th century, the market no longer wants a lawyer who is only half a person.


Technological Affinity

If you can not effectively and efficiently use e-communications, and mobile tech, you might as well just stay home.


Time Management

Virtually a substantial part of lawyers difficulties in this regard lie with their inability to prioritise their time.

What People Say About Us

  • Thank you for your email and the final draft. Indeed it is one of the finest drafts I have come across with. Certainly, your commitment level, eagerness to resolve, intellectual strength, attention to detail and legal expertise are commendable. Under your admirable guidance and direction, I have been able to maneuver with immense success and will reach fruition much earlier than anticipated. Thank you for being so supportive!

    Yaser Shan ~ Toronto, Canada
  • Thank you again so much for this wonderful service. I just wanted you both to know, I spent weeks searching for a service in Pakistan like this, that could legally handle payroll for a Pakistani employee for a US based business and so far I am extremely happy with your organization's service and punctuality. Your service thus far is absolutely amazing and I know Sunita is grateful that we were able to find your organization to ensure her position at our company.

    Prince E. Rich IV | CEO ~ Rich Technology Group LLC, USA
  • We are very happy with the work you have done. Its highly appreciated the professionalism and deep research by the team. Accept our deep gratitude! I do not know how to say Thank you to you and your team! It's a masterpiece you have created and we are very thankful for your help to assist in our social cause.

    Imtiaz Makhani ~ Karachi, Pakistan
  • Thank you very much for your fantastic support, which has been absolutely invaluable throughout the process. We really enjoyed working with you and look forward to plenty more opportunities for shared projects into the future.

    Dr. Albrecht Muser | KPMG ~ München, Germany
  • Working with all of you over the last years has been a pleasure and an honour! Your expertise, focus on customer service and professionalism make it possible for us to provide superior services to our clients and I am so grateful to you.

    Maude Burger-Smith ~ Cape Town, South Africa
  • We are glad to inform you the receipt of current outstanding balance in our bank account from the disputed party. Therefore we request you to arrange to close the dispute case with them as per our management decision. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support and advice to solve this matter. It was pleasure working with you all.

    Rahul Meppad ~ Dubai, UAE
  • Thank you for your support in this process and for your great hospitality. Your assistance has been of great importance. It was also important to see and experience the high quality of your services and your well known firm.

    Magnus Greko ~ Sweden
  • Thank you for your support in this process. Your assistance has been invaluable. We are looking forward to a long lasting working relationship with you. Also, thank you for hospitality during these past days.

    Lothar Geilen ~ Germany
  • Dear Atty. Iram Fatima: I would like to let you know that my wife came in USA last week. The U.S. Embassy Islamabad approved her visa petition in the lights of all the wonderful endeavors done by you and Mr. Birach. It was a long legal battle of about 7 years. I must say that your law firm is one of the best in the country and you are a highly professional advocate. Dr. Zafar should feel proud to have you in his crew. Finally, again I would say Thanks for all your legal services and I am your best reference.

    Zubair Mufti ~ Texas, USA
  • Dear Dr Zafar and Iram: Thank you very much for timely submission of the excellent opinion letter. It is very well drafted and covers the key points. We very much appreciate your excellent and timely work in preparing the legal opinion.

    Mrs. Iqbal Farrukh ~ San Francisco, USA
  • Dear Attorney Iram Fatima: Thanks so much for all of your kind efforts in this area and I must admit that your legal firm is the best in the country.

    Zubair Mufti ~ Texas, USA
  • The efficiency and effectiveness of your services are much appreciated.

    James Alexander Linton Williams ~ UK
  • We are complately satisfied with the e-communication and provided services. We would like to thank the whole team, and Ms Iram Fatima in particular, for your professionalism and the Due Diligence you carried out.

    Elena Pavlova ~ France
  • Many thanks for this, and thank you for being so prompt. It is very appreciated.

    Alex Gilchrist ~ Somerset, UK
  • Thank you again for handling my case so well, I am honoured to be represented by you.

    Yolanda Slabbert ~ Port Elizabeth, South Africa
  • Thank you very much for your great attention to my case, I see that you're a very serious company and I'm happy that I've choose you.

    Sergio Lujan ~ Bogota, Colombia
  • I really appreciate the help and support provided by Zafar and Associates to our company. I don’t know what to say or how to thank you, but to tell the truth your services are really the best legal services we have ever received. You are truly a professional and effective law firm.

    Adnan Branbo ~ Dubai, UAE
  • Thank you very much for your contribution. We will review the information and incorporate it into the International Citation Manual of Washington University Global Studies Law Review. Your help is appreciated.

    Naomi Levin ~ Washington, USA
  • I wanted to let you know that i got the documents. And i wanted to thank you and the whole team who worked on my case. You all did a good job thanks again.

    Naima Ashraf ~ The Hague, Holland
  • Thank you very much for all the work you have done to ensure that the Death in Service benefit reaches the parents of the deceased. Are they expecting this money and do they understand where it is coming from? We appreciate your assistance and excellent work.

    Susan Bauer ~ London, UK
  • I have no words to express my gratitude to you. People like you are very rare and I have the privilege to know one of those. May God shower all blessings on to you and your family. I am a small man with only prayers on my lips.

    Dr. Haridev Bhargava ~ Saratoga, USA
  • I must say your handling of this matter has been totally sterling and I shall not have any hesitation in recommending you and your firm to others.

    Rosina Ahmad ~ UK
  • Good morning, I received the documents back yesterday afternoon. Thank you so much for your quick response to the job. We really appreciate it. Looking forward to working with you in the further.

    Mrs. Jan Malcolm ~ Auckland, New Zealand
  • Thank you very much for the case. It is just brilliant! I am so grateful that you went out of your way to help me.”

    Loraine Bhan ~ Suva, Fiji
  • I do appreciate highly the sense of commitment your office wishes to dedicate to the follow up of our question for information. I have transmitted the contents of your email IMMEDIATELY to the contact, together with confirmation of the highest esteem we attribute to the quality of the services rendered by ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES.

    Paul Wouters ~ Istanbul, Turkey
  • Thank you very much for the information and good news. I know you’ve been working too hard and I appreciate every single minute working with you all. It’s an experience to be in the team of hardworking people and I am very proud to be included.

    Evangeline Williams ~ Paphos, Cyprus
  • I would like to thank you for your swift and excellent service that your office recently provided us. I would definitely forward your contact information to my friends and family in reference to seeking legal matters in Pakistan. I would also inform Sean Hogan and his associates to pass on your contact information to any clients that may need assistance in the matters of law in Pakistan.

    Zarar Khan ~ Miami, USA
  • We are greatly impressed with your firm and the professional calibre of the partners. If acceptable, we would like to keep your firm as a reference for future projects. Please let me know.

    Tanaz Pardiwala ~ Barcelona, Spain
  • We are happy to inform you that we have received the original succession certificate via DHL. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts, especially Dr. Zafar, who was kind enough to handle the security deposit at the court. With our best wishes and success for the New Year, to you and your esteemed team, we remain with.

    Mansur Asrar ~ Istanbul, Turkey
  • I am writing to convey to you how much I appreciate your prompt service! My mother called me today and informed me that 2 lawyers from your firm visited her. It is a pleasant surprise to know that such a law firm exists in our very own country. I would definitely recommend your firm to any friend who is in need of professional legal services in Pakistan.

    Naveed Ahmad ~ USA
  • I am truly very impressed with the follow up of your law firm. I never thought a Pakistani firm would be so aggressive and pro-active. Do you even happen to come to NYC? If so, then please look me up here when you visit next.

    Faisal Mumtaz ~ New York, USA
  • I want to thank you for all services you have rendered to us. I really appreciate it and hope on further cooperation.

    Petrov Andrey ~ Moscow, Russia
  • With God's help you have done a great thing for our family. Thank you so much for your diligence and expertise. We are truly grateful to God for all that is possible now. We also are looking forward to meeting you and your staff when we arrive in Pakistan next month. Please let us know if there is anything we can bring for you from the United States as a gift.

    Shaukat Minhas and Colleen Davidson ~ Dallas, USA
  • Your help in investigation case is well appreciated. My brother and I are ever grateful to you for obtaining the document. Thank you and god bless you and your practice team.

    Kevin Lessani - Dallas - USA
  • I greatly appreciate that your law firm is very careful in its preparation of petitions. In fact, the outcome of a legal fight greatly depends on how effectively a law firm has presented its case. If it fails to conceive in advance as to what it will have to face in defense, it can not prepare an effective petition. I admire that ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP are very careful in their initial step i.e. to prepare petition, around which the whole legal battle is fought.

    M. Iftikhar Sheikh ~ Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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